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Sustainability Week at Premier Galvanizing

As part of Hill & Smith PLC, the teams at Premier Galvanizing took part in Sustainability Week – a week to reflect on all things sustainability. It was a fun-filled week where colleagues were encouraged to take part in a number of activities (or come up with their own) to boost green credentials and have some fun in the process.

Best Birdbox Competition

Birdboxes are a great way of encouraging biodiversity by giving our flying friends somewhere safe to nest. As a bit of fun, the Technical Team set up a competition for the “Best Birdbox”, with a voucher up for grabs for the winner.

Team Premier Galvanizing Corby were keen to enter, and they took the grand prize, beating not just Premier Galvanizing Hull but also the other seven sites across the Joseph Ash Group! The team commented that the birdbox was “Galvanized to ISO 1461 Wood Standard”.

Energy saving treasure hunt

Colleagues were encouraged to form groups and evaluate their working environment, keeping sustainability in mind. This could include turning off lights, machines and other resources and questioning if they need to be used. The outcome of an energy saving treasure hunt is a reduced carbon footprint, saving energy from being wasted.

Team Corby’s birdbox

The original idea for the energy saving treasure hunt was developed in 1999 by Toyota, and is a great activity for all companies to conduct, regardless of industry.

Plant pots

Team also took the time to plant their own plant pots and add a bit of colour to the grey weather that was had in the week.

Extra competitions

Prizes are also due to awarded across the Group for a number of categories, including “Most Engaged Site”, “Most Improved Site”, and “Most Sustainable Site”. Winners will be calculated based on their efforts throughout the week, both in terms of effort and in outcomes achieved.

You can find out more about the full list of activities across the week here.

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