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The driving force behind Premier Galvanizing

It’s all about an impeccable Galvanizing service

With an ever increasing number of customers wishing to use the collection and delivery service that Premier Galvanizing offers it is of the utmost importance that we have the right tools to do the job.

We are very proud of our company image and our new modern fleet of vehicles complimented with well, presented and customer focused drivers highlight this. Our transport fleet consists of six vehicles which is made up of three articulated vehicles, two ten tonne rigid vehicles and one seven and half tonne vehicle.

This gives us the flexibility needed to collect almost any size of fabrication from any company premises large or small. We operate in very large area as far north as Sheffield, Birmingham in the West, Gatwick in the South and Norwich in the East. We are also available to make arrangements to deliver/collect outside our normal operating area should this be required.

The fast, reliable and efficient hot dip galvanizing service that we offer is second to none in the galvanizing industry and we work very hard to ensure that the high level of service that our customers demand is maintained at all times.

Working as a team with our customers Premier Galvanizing have been involved with numerous high profile projects where reliability of service was of the utmost importance and tight deadlines had to be met. The team at remained committed to the cause and ensured that all deadlines were met, which involved;

  • Working at break neck speeds to ensure that deliveries were made to complete work for the F1 Grand Prix at Silverstone.
  • We made it our goal to ensure that deliveries were made to complete work on the new Wembley Stadium.
  • We got on our bikes to ensure that the Velodrome at the London Olympic Stadium was completed on time.
  • We jet propelled deliveries of material for work on a terminal at Heathrow Airport.
  • We also worked at electrifying pace to meet deliveries to Drax Power Station.

The above are just some of the projects that we helped make a success through hard work and commitment to our customers.

Can we be of help to you with your next hot dip galvanizing project?
Why not consider?

  1. Letting Premier Galvanizing be the final piece in your jigsaw!
  2. Letting Premier Galvanizing be a key part in your success!
  3. Letting Premier Galvanizing be part of your team!

Want to see us in action? Check out this video

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